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Hill Country Lavender Farm
e-mail: info@hillcountrylavender.com
Phone: 830.833.2294
Mail: Hill Country Lavender
PO Box 1266
Blanco, TX 78606
Hill Country Lavender Farm
Season days and hours:
Opens April 17th 2025
Thursday - Saturday 10 am - 4 pm
8241 Farm to Market 165, Blanco TX 78606
From the Blanco town square: take 163 (4th Street) East, 0.5 (half) a mile, turn left onto FM 165 and travel 7.6 miles East. The farm is located on the right side of the road.
Tasha Brieger Corradini, Owner
Year Round Retail Location at
Brieger Pottery
408 4th Street, Blanco, Texas 78606
Monday – Thursday 11:00 – 4:00
Friday & Saturday 11:00 - 8:00
Sunday 11:00 – 4:00
In response to many requests, we have made it easier than ever to find our products. We have a year round retail location, with our full line of products, inside Brieger Pottery’s store on the North side of the square in Blanco. Right between the Post Office and the Bank.
Area Lodging & Attractions
Blanco County Inn: In downtown Blanco; we take pets, too! (830) 833-4502
Mystic Sky Ranch: It’s the perfect place to steal away for a long weekend and escape from every day life. www.mysticskyranch.com, (830) 833-0799
Rose-Hill Manor Inn: Deluxe country inn and fine dining, 15 minutes from our farm. www.rose-hill.com, 1-877-rosehil
Swiss Lodge: Clean and inexpensive motel in downtown in Blanco, 5 minutes away; 830-833-5528.
Redbud Cafe: 410 4th street, Blanco TX 78606 (Located on the Blanco town square next door to Brieger Pottery) Offering delicious sandwiches (grilled or cold), soups and salads. Homemade quiches, cookies, and cakes. Open Mon – Thurs 11 – 3 / Fri and Sat 11 – 9:00 with live music, & Sunday 9:00 - 3:00; 830-833-0202, www.redbudcafetx.com
Chess Club Cafe: 1020 HWY 281 S. Blanco, TX 78606, Offering a selections of scratch made dishes. Open Wed - Sun 8 am - 2 pm, (830)-833-4930, www.chessclubcafe.com
Places to visit
Brieger Pottery: On the square in Blanco, a wonderful eclectic shop, featuring locally made pottery and a variety of unique items. www.briegerpottery.com, 830-833-2860.
Texas Specialty Cut Flowers: Arnosky Family Farm Located on the corner of 165 and 2325. See a spectacular array of flowers grown here in Blanco. www.texascolor.com, 830-833-5428.
Blanco State Park: Swimming, fishing and camping right in Blanco. 830-833-4333.
Perdernales Falls State Park: Breathtaking falls and wonderful camping spots near Johnson City. 830–868-7304.
Enchanted Rock State Park: A huge granite dome sits in the middle of this beautiful park; north of Fredericksburg. 325-247-3903.
Breweries & Distillery’s (Blanco’s Own)
Andalusia Whiskey Company: 6462 US-281, Blanco, TX 78606, (830) 507-4359 or www.andalusiawhiskey.com
Ben Milam Whiskey Distillery and Tasting Room: 208 Carlie Ln, Blanco, TX 78606, (830) 833-3033 or www.benmilamwhiskey.com
Real Ale Brewing Company & Real Spirits: 231 San Saba Ct, Blanco, TX 78606, (830) 833-2534 or www.realalebrewing.com
Esperanza Winery: 115 Main Street Blanco, Texas 78606, (830) 833-3230 or www.esperanzawinery.com