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Texas' first lavender farm is truly a treat for the senses with panoramic views, live oak trees, and more than 2,500 lavender plants.


HIll Country Lavender Farm hours:

THe farm reopens april 17th

AT 8241 FARM TO MARKET 165, BLANCO, TX 78606

Our farm is private property, and we will always make decisions in the best interest of our customers.


SAve the date:

20th Annual Blanco Lavender Festival

FRIDAY JUNE  6th - SUNDAY JUNE 8th, 2025

Feel Free to bring a picnic

Lavender Talks

We offer talks for groups upon request. We charge $10.00 per person for the talk by the owner, about the history of Hill Country Lavender and how to grow lavender in your own yard. OFFERED THRU OUT THE LAVENDER SEASON (excluding Lavender Festival Weekend). To check and see if we have a reservation available email us at