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Texas' first lavender farm is truly a treat for the senses with panoramic views, live oak trees, and more than 2,500 lavender plants.

Lavender Honey Whipped Goat Cheese


Lavender Honey
Whipped Goat Cheese

The perfect snack or addition to any meal.
We enjoy it served with toasted bread and figs!



  1. Prep the ingredients: slice the figs

  2. Place the lavender in the food processor and blend for about 15 seconds to chop it into small pieces. Alternatively, you can chop the lavender with a sharp knife.

  3. Add the whipped cream cheese, goat cheese, lime zest, and honey, to the food processor with the lavender. Blend for about 2 minutes until all ingredients are fully combined, scraping the sides down as necessary. (If you let the goat cheese get to room temperature you can also mix it in a bowl.)

  4. Spread a generous amount of the whipped goat cheese on each piece of toast. Top with fresh fig slices.